A slushy mix of art and non-art that I use as references for my own art.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Also on the topic of artists making stupid things for fashion companies


Anish Kapoor's Mother as a Mountain (1985)


And the junk made for jewelery company Bulgari.

Colin Burke / Richard Prince / Be Stupid

Cyanotype of a dress form.


Richard Prince has made a line of handbags for Louis Vuitton, which I think is ironic and completely appropriate for him. I love to think that a bunch of yuppies will walk around with them having no idea as to what their context is. I think that it's a weird new trend for big fashion companies to make fun of themselves through their product. Diesel's be stupid campaign highlights this pretty well also.



Sunday, June 20, 2010



This is by Alfons Schilling. It is a camera obscura HAT. I attempted to make a camera obscura box that conformed to the body freshman year but since I was dumb, I never could figure out how to make the mechanics work properly. But making it into a hat it infinitely more hilarious. here is a link explaining it in a bit more detail. I am in love. Any way that you can combine old, b flat, cheap photography + absurd performance = bliss.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sarah Palmer

Here is ze website.





I feel like this type of photography is so big right now, this amalgamation of weird, specific, individualized spatial experiences. Half of me is really jealous and wishes that I could make work about things so specific, but the other half of me prefers work that is much more global and vast. Yet there is a hook that this sort of work has with me. It evokes intense feelings of fake deja vu; one feels like they must have encountered this situation before even though in reality I've probably never stuck an egg inside the secret compartment of a book. Another photographer that does this successfully for me in some images is Rebecca Sittler Schrock, whom I've posted about in a past entry. That doughnut [donut?] picture gets me every time.

Wait, why exactly can you spell donut in two different ways? That's kind of messed up, I don't like either spelling. I've never really thought about it before, but it's quite a bizarre word. I think this is a sign that I need to stop typing.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Word of the day: Maximalist.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Bill Morrison's Decasia

Can't do this quite the same in final cut...This is just a promo of excerpts.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Spencer Finch: Ag




Sometimes I just really appreciate a square and a good composition.

Sonic Youth's performance of George Macuinas's Piano Piece # 13 (for Nam June Paik). Anything can be improved with the addition of Sonic Youth. Just see this cover of Iggy Pop's I wanna be your dog.

Improved, no?

Kafka's Castle


This is the best book I've read that achieves nothing. It is impressive that someone can fill that many pages without going anywhere. Truly an accomplishment.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Sarah Pickering




These are funny to me for some strange reason. Here is her website.

They also made me think of Ed Ruscha's Several Small Fires and a Glass of Spilled Milk. Which is something I think about fairly often. For some reason I love this book much more than any others of his. The swimming pools and LA apartments bore me, but that glass of milk is just so climactic.


Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Nora Fok






Ben showed me this person two years ago or something, I was going through my favorites and rediscovered how awesome she was. I just went to the Druid Hill Botanical Garden today and kept thinking about these pieces. I like the idea of a wearable sculpture that still radically differs from the norm of jewelery. Here is her website. At the garden I literally saw agave that were this big!! It was amazing.

Also, in lieu of the late and phenomenal Louise Bourgeoise, I thought I would put up this picture of my favorite sculpture OF ALL TIME. I mean it. When I saw the retrospective at the hirshhorn I actually touched it when the security guard turned around. And it felt amazing.


Daniel Rozin /Marilyn Minter


Time Ripples Mirror


Also, check out Marilyn Minter's Green Pink Caviar.
