A slushy mix of art and non-art that I use as references for my own art.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

What The World Eats

Great photo essay for time magazine here.

Operation Supermarket

Two men, named Farhad Moshiri & Shirin Aliabadi changed the labels on a large amount of supermarket goods, particularly food items which drugs were commonly smuggled inside of. Of course, they were stopped by security guards whom rudely inspected all of the items. My personal favorite repackaging:


Read more here.

I am currently working on a project called "Instantly Slims You" where I plan to affix labels to fattening foods in supermarket with said phrase printed on them. This project was somewhat inspired by these two.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Elaine Duigenan

All of the following are photos of littered bottles that have washed ashore.





See the whole collection here.

Florian Maier-Aichen


At the saatchi gallery.

Since I've decided to read this morning as opposed to looking at photographs...

"To cite just three statistics that show the scope of the transformation, in 2003, the U.S. government handed out 3,512 contracts to companies to perform security functions; in the twenty-two-month period ending in August 2006, the Department of Homeland Security had issued more than 115,000 such contracts. The global 'homeland security industry' --economically insignificant before 2001--is now a $200 billion sector. In 2006, U.S. government spending on homeland security averaged $545 per household."

p. 13 from Naomi Klein's The Shock Doctrine: The Rise of Disaster Capitalism, on the shift to privatized security corporations in the US after 9/11.

I also have been researching the long term effects of PCP vs. psilocybin and am wondering why they did'nt use the latter in torture as there is significantly less long term effects but the initial effects are nearly equal in the amount of disorientation that they cause.

Through this reading I discovered a rapper named Big Lurch whose record label gave him PCP so that he would act out in a more "violent manner" to solidify his status as a gangsta rap artist. Consequently he ate his girlfriend's lung. Crazy.

The victim was found in her apartment by her friend Alisa Allen. Her chest had been torn open and a three-inch blade was found broken off in her shoulder blade. Teeth marks were found on her face and on her lungs, which had been torn from her chest. Eyewitnesses reported that when Singleton was picked up by police, he was naked, covered in blood, standing in the middle of the street and staring at the sky. A medical examination performed shortly after his capture found human flesh in his stomach which was not his own.[1]

Friday, May 29, 2009

Myoung Ho Lee

I saw these prints when I went to New York in the spring. They are much more striking and powerful in person, but here are some reproductions nonetheless. I think they have a funny sort of humor that I envy, a similar type of humor that I recognize in John Pfhal's images. [although one is surely more obsessive than the other]


Go here to view the whole series.

And just for fun; one of my favorite Pfahl images.


Deep Sea Jellyfish

EMBED-Dazzling Neon Rainbow Jellyfish - Watch more free videos

Proving once and for all that even the artificiality of neon lights can have it's natural roots somewhere.

Nina Katchadourian



Quote from her website:
"There is a type of lichen which is very common in the Finnish archipelago and my family's summer house sits on a large granite hill covered with it. I have always seen certain shapes as islands or continents, and decided to affix rub-on letters directly to the lichens to identify them as the places I recognized. When I had finished, the whole hill had become a kind of scrambled atlas. The Moss Maps series consists of about 20 photographs like those shown here."

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Alicja Kwade

Alicja Kwade

555 kg of grinded champange bottles

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Seth Fluker


Most of his work is not of an abstract nature, but I could'nt help but post the following image for obvious reasons...

Seth Fluker

Website here. A pretty good interview is here also.

Kelly Kleinschrodt


Mabye I'm just into peanut butter lately or something, I don't know. This is just kind of funny. Oppenheimer's version is way more seductive. Her website.

I also sort of like this photo of hers:


For some inexplicable reason. It makes me a little nostalgic I guess, I used to collect those crystals. Her work is so random and patchy. I feel like that's becoming the trend as of late. Just look at how iheartphotograph blogs. It's a wonderful resource as I learn about so many artists very quickly but it is a little annoying as I rarely get a sense of whom the artist is that she is blogging about unless I go to their website. It's a good incentive to do more research, but if you're being lazy you're just going to stare at lots of random pictures, fffound style.

Abstract art at the white house?


Monday, May 25, 2009

Lee Miller


Lee Miller

Man Ray's muse and assistant was a talented photographer and businesswoman in her own right. I found this book in the Enoch Pratt Library a while ago and it only reconfirmed these suspicions.
