A slushy mix of art and non-art that I use as references for my own art.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Lip Frosting

So we had to make a visual response to something, anything that we got out of our masculinity class. While staring at my Lip Smacker collection, I came upon an idea that was too grotesque to resist. Here is the result.

Lip Frosting from Heather Goad on Vimeo.

Johnathan Monagham

French Penguin from Jonathan Monaghan on Vimeo.

French Penguin. I had the pleasure of seeing the creator speak at the experimental new media series here at MICA. He won a big prize for this one, I believe. I don't know if I like it or not but it definitely is doing something strange to the viewer. The one thing I like about this piece if that it genuinely does not remind me of anything.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Dean Kessmann

On his "Transubstantiation" series:

But why do we need, or at least strongly desire to have the spiritual aspects of our lives undeniably confirmed? Relying on our faith alone is rarely enough. We want proof, or to be even more specific, visual proof. The photographic and digital processes used to capture these images--like science, art, and religion--do not always provide reliable information. Its vision, like ours, is limited. Seeing is not always believing, just as believing should not always require seeing.

This work will not definitively answer any questions of faith. Not knowing their source, one might assume that these images are a series of celestial (heavenly) bodies, extreme magnification of cells, and raw, bloody flesh. Obviously, by making these images of holy wafers saturated in wine, I have not turned them into the body and blood of Christ, nor am I making any such claim. However, a dramatic transformation has taken place. These substances have become something other than what they once were. These are objects for contemplation. They will not provide any undeniable proof, but if given time, they just might help us to answer that which they initially had refused to reveal.

Dean Kessmann



I really love the look of his installation...it is sort of similar to how I want my thesis work to look, a scattering of various sizes of circular prints. [I am getting really sick of edges, why do all photographers work with squares and rectangles when images are naturally projected as circles anyway? It seems silly to me.]

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Margriet Smulders

Margriet Smulders

From her "Get Drunk" series. here.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Roberto Matta


"Endless Nudes" 1942

"Beauty and the Brain: A Neural Approach to Aesthetics"

John's Hopkins and the Walters are doing a collaboration which explores our neural responses to certain aesthetic forms. The only confirmed works for the show are some Jean Arp sculptures. Read more here.


Jean Arp - Human Concretion (1933)

[I don't know if this is going to be one of the pieces or not.]

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Girl, where'd you get your lipgloss from, because I must admit, that bubble gum is poppin

So I think I have to do enlargements of every flavor of lip frosting. How amazing and grotesque is the concept of lip frosting. I am currently wearing the strawberry kind, and am very inspired. Thank you Bonnie Bell. It's strange how this feeling of my lip skin turning into plastic is an acute and powerful reminder of my childhood.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Matthew Brandt

I discovered this person a few years ago, but since forgotten his name and recently rediscovered it! These are all c-prints of lakes which have been soaked in the lake that is depicted in the photograph.




Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Adam Thompson

Ahhh I have always been attracted to tall, narrow images so this is just like overload to me. See his website.


Untitled (Phylliidae)
Aluminum tube, inkjet print
8.41 m tall x 0.22 m Diameter

Bas Jan Ader

Broken Fall [Geometric]

In this video Ader is simultaneously breaking a natural and an artificial barrier. The tense process of falling over sideways [which I feel, is even stranger than falling forwards or backwards] makes the viewer really uneasy. The sheer pointlessness of this action and the potential pain caused by it is what gives it it's power. The awkward displacement of the figure in space relocates the line of vision. I'd like to believe that he is falling through the form next to him, not on top of it. The willpower to fall over sideways shows a strange form of multidimensional trust, as well as an acknowledgment for the form's insignificance to the situation as a whole. This piece breaks down multiple systems into very simple elements that build one brief, decisive action.

See the beautifully designed Bas Jan Ader website chronicling his sadly short career here.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Allison Schulnik

This new Grizzly Bear video is pretty sludgy. By Allison Schulnik. Lovely visuals and song. I think the thing I love about Grizzly Bear videos is that I never picture the song looking anything like them, but afterwards the visuals always still make sense.

However, I am still bitter that when I went to see them this summer at the 9:30 club there were these obnoxious high kids making ALL KINDS OF NOISE during this song and I wanted to explode. Thankfully there are things like music videos which recreate optimal song listening experience.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Lucas Blalock

I don't like all of these images. But the one below is rather stimulating.


Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Art Axis Alley Walk Show

I have been meaning to post these images for a while, it's a little bit late. I always forget to upload things from my cell phone camera...those things are tricky. Here is the blog with more images and information. Here is the basic project overview quoted from the website:

“Axis Alley seeks through creative engagement to utilize the backyards of vacant properties and vacant lots as a canvas for creative works that transform, activate and revitalize the overlooked, under-attended areas of Baltimore’s back alleys. In neighborhoods where the vacancy rate of properties runs high, the alley seems to become the indicator of urban difficulties: trash, rats, homeless people, prostitution and drugs. These somewhat forbidding alleys (dark and unlit at night), while speaking of endemic problems in the city, possess a certain toxic beauty and provide a fascinating possibility of urban intervention and creative gesture.”


This brick piece was my favorite, it had such a beautiful rhythm to it, although the material is so stiff.






This last one is very Baltimore appropriate!
